The Crystalized Self Challenge
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Session #4 of 4 Replay Video
Session #3 of 4 Replay Video
Session #2 of 4 Replay Video
Session #1 of 4 Replay Video
We are doing this meditation to the Crystallized Self for up to 22 days. ‘Traatik Dhyaan’ is to See the Unseen”. It represent the subtle in the gross, opens the intuitive communication, and, seeing beyond the surface of things to what is the cause of it all!
Mantra: Hamee Ham, Brahm Ham
Translation: We are We, We are God
Also: God and Me, Me and God are One!
Mudra: Fingertips of each hand together pointing upward, index fingers and the middle fingers curled downward, thumb tips together and pointed toward the body. Raise the mudra 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) in front of the face, tips of the ring fingers are at Brow Point, …little fingers are directly in front of the eyes. Thumbs at chin level.
Music: Humee Hum, Brahm Ham
Artist: Siri Sadhana Kaur
Found anywhere music abides.