January 2024 Meditation

January 2024 Meditation

Sat Nam Folks!


As we enter 2024, I have chosen a very supportive meditation. January’s Meditation to “Awaken the Dormant Power Within”. What you want, who you are, strengthening our ability to respond vs. react.


I hope to see you on this Friday, January 5th at 11:15 am pst and beyond!


Blessings to you, your family and friends, and to the new year ahead!


From my heart to yours, with love and gratitude,


Krishna Kaur 

And the Tenth Gate Yoga Team





1/5 – Friday Meditation with Krishna Kaur


1/8 – Monday Night Kundalini Yoga with Krishna Kaur


1/15 – Monday Night Kundalini Yoga with the Tenth Gate Yoga Team


1/22 – Monday Night Kundalini Yoga with the Tenth Gate Yoga Team


1/29 – Monday Night Kundalini Yoga with the Tenth Gate Yoga Team


* Wednesday Aquarian Sadhana each Wednesday of the month